The data on the harms of the vaccines (‘adverse events’) are staggering.
In the American reporting system, for the 30 years before covid vaccines, there were an average of 122 deaths per year.
In 2021 there were 12,313 deaths caused by covid-19 vaccines. (yes, this is not a typo, it is a 100x increase in vaccine deaths)
Real people. Real lives.
Every vaccine injury is a life-changing event for a real person. Here I have collected some of their stories.

First the story of Maddie de Garay, a 13 year old who, together with her brothers was in the first trials for the Pfizer shot. Her health has been ruined. In this documentary, we hear from her parents why she joined the trial and what happened after the second shot, when she suffered very serious health problems. The interviewer is emotional and angry, and I wish he had been calmer. Please be generous to him and persevere to listen to Maddie’s parents describe what they have been through.
In the UK there is the UK CV Family – over 500 people who have been injured by the covid vaccines.
Follow this link for more more interviews with people sharing their experience of vaccine harms.
Interview with a doctor treating vaccine injuries
For a summary of the process, success, controversy surrounding the treatment of people who have vaccine injuries, this interview with Dr. Pierre Kory He is part of the FLCCC, a collaboration of doctors developing protocols in the absence of previous experience of these problems.
Summary of published data
There are ‘early warning’ databases of vaccine harms that are supposed to be used to tell us if anything is going wrong.
Jessica Rose is analysing the US reporting system (VAERS). See for details.
A summary of published data on the harms of the vaccines. There are many links to published data in this short article.
And this article describes how our immune system responds very differently to the vaccine than to a real SARS-CoV-2 infection. This has diverse adverse effects on human health and there is a potential causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response and tumorigenesis (normal cells transforming into cancer cells).
‘Unpublished’ data (aka cover-up)
After 90 days of the roll out of the vaccine to the general public a report was given by Pfizer to the authorities in USA who were in charge of authorising the vaccine (the FDA). This data was kept secret, but a group of doctors and scientists managed to get a US judge to order it to be made public.
Read about it here: data on harms during the first 2.5 months of the roll out.