
I have ended up convinced that widely held views on many important topics are inaccurate. What has convinced me is being able to listen to the people making the news. And not just soundbites, but lengthy discussions and interviews. There are many interviews you can watch where you can get an impression of the credentials, motivation and credibility of these people.

In short, I have listened to the people making the news, and found it different to what is said by the people reporting the news.

It all started with Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Dr. Sunetra Gupta and Dr. Martin Kulldorff, the three people who wrote the Great Barrington Declaration (which challenges the wisdom of quarantining healthy people in lock downs and offers alternatives).

I listened to them talking about their ideas on YouTube. Then I came across them in other videos which introduced me to YouTube channels where the lockdown policies were being questioned.

Next I came across Dr Patrick Phillips. A Canadian doctor who was pro-lockdown but who began to ask questions. He was censored. There is an interview with Dr Patrick Phillips from 2 March 2021 with Patrick Coffin.

And so my journey of discovering people and channels of communication began. I don’t agree with everything all of them have reported. I don’t agree with everything that they all believe in. But I do find them useful to build up a picture of what is happening.

Sources by topic: