In 2022 the FDA (USA body regulating vaccines) were ordered by US judge to release data from the first 2.5 months of the roll out of the Pfizer vaccine. Data from around the world on harms of the vaccine.
Educator and nurse practitioner, John Campbell shares his reading of this here:
There were 1,200 deaths associated with the vaccine in the first 90 days. This is staggering. In any other situation it would have resulted in a recall of the medicine. After 50 deaths in a trial they stop everything to find out if there is a link.
The decision makers had this data in spring 2021. Why was it not acted upon? Why was it suppressed/hidden by them?
NOTE: John clarifies in the following video that the long list of adverse events of special interest were ones to look out for, not ones that had all occurred. This is a good example of his willingness to learn and respond to feedback.