Author: rp

  • Practical Limitations

    We don’t have the money, workforce or materials to achieve net zero

    This is an interview with Michael Kelly, professor emeritus of technology at the University of Cambridge. He was a government scientist when the Climate Change Act was launched in 2008 in the UK, and has been researching the reduction of carbon in Britain since then. This is incredibly practical.


  • Judith Curry on STEM-talk

    This podcast is an interview of Judith Curry, covering her whole life and experience and a very rich summary of much of the history of climate science. Judith has always tried to foster consensus and discussion. She is also good at talking about uncertainty and risk.


    1972 – President Nixon – cooling is due soon. Consensus view of major media outlets. 1978 New York Times said no end in sight to the cooling of last 30 years. Certainty instead of humility…

    Alot we didn’t know then. And not know now.

    Early 1990s Judith worked on the World Climate Research Programme. Consensus then was that the IPCC was a political exercise that had escaped the bounds of scientific knowledge and uncertainty.

    1997 Judith worked on SHeBA (Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic ocean) which aimed to document feedback among the atmosphere, sea ice, and the ocean. Navy funding had dried up after end of cold war. Scientists added climate action to get it funded. The expedition sought to address discrepancies between observations and climate models.

    2004 Hurricane season. 14 named storms in the North Atlantic. If there was a signal from global warming you’d see it in the global hurricane, not just north Atlantic. All available data. Global number not changed since 1970. But % of catagory 4 and 5 hurricanes doubled since 1970. Right after New Orleans and Katrina. Attracted scathing attracts from critics. With respect to the data it relied on.

    Article – 2006 “Mixing politics and science in testing the hypothesis that global warming is causing an increase in hurricane intensity“. And got into better forecasting of hurricanes. Policy makers need to rebuild New Orleans for a cat 4 or 5 hurricane, not just cat 3. Hurricanes/global warming became focussing event. Asking us about global warming. Not entirely comfortable talking about it . But from 2005-2008 it felt responsible to support IPCC building of consensus in order to get focussed on the right response to hurricane Katrina. It is not easy to untangle any global warming effect from background natural variability in hurricanes. Uncertain.

    [00:18:37] Ken asks Judy about the November 2009 unauthorized release of emails from the Climactic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia, otherwise known as “climategate”. The emails showed that some researchers were manipulating data to make it seem that the earth was heating up dangerously. IPCC had evaded FOI requests, cherry-picked data, manipulated peer review process, downplayed uncertainty, tried to discredit sceptics. Judith wrote an essay on ClimateAudit blog: “On the credibility of climate research”. Make data public, transparent about methods, honest about uncertainty, more respectful of scientists who were critical of their research. I had been duped into substituted judgements of IPCC for my own in public statements on climate change.

    [00:20:45] Morley asks Judy to give a primer on climate modeling and how complex it is.

    Global models = course-grained simulation of earth’s climate system using computers. Simulate the atmosphere, ocean, land surface, sea ice, glaciers. Complex mathematical equations that can only be solved on computers. Some equations based on laws of physics. However, a lot of key processes are approximated and not based on physical laws. Hence there are a number of tuneable parameters, including clouds. Models are exceedingly complex. Tools for trying to understand how global climate system works, but not fit for making future predictions of the future, simulating regional climates or extreme weather and climate events.

    [00:22:09] Morley mentions that in her book, “Climate Uncertainty and Risk: Rethinking Our Response,” Judy discusses several incontrovertible facts about global warming. Morley asks Judy to list them for the listeners.

    • average global surface temp has overall increased since about 1860
    • CO2 has infrared emission spectra thus acts to warm the planet
    • Humans have been adding CO2 to atmosphere by burning fossil fuels.

    These facts about climate change do not tell us much about the most consequential issues associated with climate change. Judy’s book highlights four key arguments in regards to global warming:

    • we do not definitively know to what extent CO2 and other human-caused emissions have dominated natural climate variability as the cause of recent warming.
      • factor 3 uncertainty in the sensitivity of climate to rising CO2 (true value of the sensitivity likely to be between 0.3x estimate and 3x estimate).
      • disagreement on how much the sun has warmed the climate in second half of 20th century when there was a grand solar maximum.
      • IPCC not adequately accounted for multi-decadal temperature variability associated with large scale ocean circulations.
    • we don’t have a good handle on how much the climate can be expected to change over the course of the 21st Century.
      • models are tied to scenarios of how much CO2 we emit. We now understand these have been too extreme and unrealistic. IPCC is backing off such extreme scenarios.
      • unable to predict solar variations, volcanic eruptions, multi-decadal ocean oscillations
      • this amounts to a great deal of uncertainty as to how the 21st century will play out (which is generally acknowledged by climate scientists, despite what we read in the media).
    • there is not agreement on whether warming is actually dangerous, and that the notion of danger is based on societal values on which science has little to nothing to say.
      • no truly objective way to measure if warming is dangerous or to define a threshold for danger (how much is too much?)
      • how to compare risks of warming with other risks?
      • the 1.5C threshold comes from politics, not from science
      • risks are convoluted with natural weather patterns – hurricanes and floods have little if anything to do with global warming.
      • climate activists characterise risks as intolerable, but there is is widespread disagreement about this.
    • there is widespread disagreement about whether radically reducing emissions will improve human wellbeing in the 21st Century.
      • to make any sense of this policy, climate sensitivity to CO2 must be considered very significant and natural variability must be discounted.
      • if climate sensitivity to CO2 is actually on the low end and natural variability is dominant, then reducing CO2 will have little effect.
      • worst possible scenario – we will be left to face extreme weather conditions with a crippled energy system (drastically reduces our resilience to extreme weather events).
      • opportunity cost – if we focus solely on climate change, we end up ignoring broader ecological problems like pollution, over-fishing…

    Judy pointed out many of these issues in 2013 during testimony she gave to a house committee after President Obama’s United Nations climate pledge. Judy argued at the time that the climate community had been working on building a scientific consensus on anthropogenic climate change for 20 years, and that she believed this consensus building process perhaps had the unintended consequence of oversimplifying the climate change problem and its solution.

    [00:31:51] Morley explains that Judy once said in an interview that even if we achieved net zero with our carbon footprint, we would barely notice. Morley goes on to say that people hold up the pre-industrial era as a “golden age” for the climate, and asks Judy what her thoughts are on this.

    [00:32:50] Ken asks Judy to elaborate on her stance that there is no climate change emergency. Ken mentions that Judy’s stance has led to her being labeled a contrarian and dissident climatologist.

    [00:34:21] Ken explains that Judy resigned from her tenured position in 2017 due to a variety of factors, including not knowing how to advise students and postdocs on how to navigate the “craziness of the field of climate science.” Ken asks if this was a difficult decision for Judy.

    [00:35:44] Morley explains that in a post about her resignation, Judy wrote: “Once you detach from the academic mindset, publishing on the internet makes much more sense, and the peer review you can get on a technical blog is much more extensive. But peer review is not really the point; provoking people to think in new ways about something is really the point. In other words, science is a process, rather than a collection of decreed ‘truths.’” Morley asks Judy to expand on this perspective.

    [00:37:31] Morley explains that there has been a lot of publicity regarding the recent extreme weather events over the past few years, with some climatologists arguing that these events are evidence that we are in the midst of an emergency. He asks Judy for her take.

    [00:39:04] Morley mentions that Judy frequently argues that policy makers haven’t thought through climate change. While climate change is real, and has negative impacts, Judy argues that common portrayals of a crisis are unfounded. Morley goes on to mention a 2020 paper by Bjorn Lomborg in which he points out that under scenarios set out under the IPPCC, human welfare is likely to increase by 450 percent by the end of the 21st Century. Lomborg estimates climate damages will modestly reduce this welfare increase to 434 percent. Morley explains that Judy’s argument is that policymakers could screw up this upward trajectory in welfare if they destroy our current energy infrastructure. He asks Judy to expand on this.

    [00:41:37] Ken asks Judy to talk about how transitioning to all wind and solar power would require a large expenditure of fossil fuel.

    [00:44:13] Morley asks if it is true that Judy believes that instead of trying to reach zero carbon emissions by 2025, or some other date, that we should invest in increasing our resilience to extreme weather events.

    [00:45:05] Morley pivots to talk about Judy’s book, “Climate Uncertainty and Risk” which Judy began writing in 2020.

    [00:45:58] Morley asks Judy when and why she started her blog “Climate Etc.,” and how it helped her in preparation for her book.

    [00:46:31] Ken explains that Judy’s book is very ambitious and sets out to show how the narrow and politicized framing of the climate debate has resulted in an oversimplification of both the scientific problem and its solutions. Ken asks if it is true that the book is not just about the climate debate but also, in more broad terms, about uncertainty and risk.

    [00:48:00] Morley asks Judy about the second part of her book, specifically the chapter titled “The Climate Change Uncertainty Monster,” which highlights the problems we face in terms of climate change.

    [00:49:03] Morley mentions that there is a section in Judy’s book titled “Emissions and Temperature Targets.” She begins the chapter with a quote from environmental scientist John Foley: “The first rule of climate chess is this: The board is bigger than we think, and includes more than fossil fuels.” Morley asks Judy what else the board includes.

    [00:49:41] Morley asks about a paper that Judy referenced towards the end of her book in laying out scenarios for a way forward with climate change, “Usable Climate Science Is Adaption Science,” in which Adam Sobel of Columbia University writes that in the present historical moment, the only climate science that is truly usable is that which is oriented toward adaptation. He argues that current policies and politics are so far removed from what we need to do to avert dangerous climate change that scientific uncertainty is not a limiting factor on mitigation.

    [00:51:32] Morley asks about another paper that Judy references in her book titled “Small Is Beautiful: Climate-Change Science as if People Mattered.” Written by Regina Rodrigues of Brazil’s Department of Meteorology and Theodore Shepherd of the University of Reading in the UK, it describes how there is a widely accepted gap between the production and use of climate information. The authors call for a break with traditional climate research and methodology, which at the moment seems to be very top-down driven. Morley asks Judy to talk about the proposal for a more bottom-up approach.

    [00:52:26] Ken pivots to ask Judy about the term “wicked science,” which she refers to in the last chapter of her book. The chapter is titled “Wicked Science for Wicked Times.”

    [00:53:58] Morley asks Judy how she spends her time now that she has resigned from Georgia Tech and academic life.

  • Innate immunity suppressed by vaccines

    Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations.

    This is a peer-reviewed paper that you can read here.

    Sober reading.

    • The mRNA in vaccines isn’t recognised by normal cellular defences.
    • The mRNA stays in the body longer than expected.
    • More spike protein is produced than expected.
    • The immune system responds very differently to the vaccine than to a real SARS-CoV-2 infection.
    • This has diverse adverse effects on human health.
    • There is a potential causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response and tumorigenesis (normal cells transforming into cancer cells).
    • The VAERS database supports this hypothesis.

    This is the abstract:

    The mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccines were brought to market in response to the public health crises of Covid-19. The utilization of mRNA vaccines in the context of infectious disease has no precedent. The many alterations in the vaccine mRNA hide the mRNA from cellular defenses and promote a longer biological half-life and high production of spike protein. However, the immune response to the vaccine is very different from that to a SARS-CoV- 2 infection. In this paper, we present evidence that vaccination induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signaling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health. Immune cells that have taken up the vaccine nanoparticles release into circulation large numbers of exosomes containing spike protein along with critical microRNAs that induce a signaling response in recipient cells at distant sites. We also identify potential profound disturbances in regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance. These disturbances potentially have a causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response and tumorigenesis. We show evidence from the VAERS database supporting our hypothesis. We believe a comprehensive risk/benefit assessment of the mRNA vaccines questions them as positive contributors to public health.

  • Early data on harms

    In 2022 the FDA (USA body regulating vaccines) were ordered by US judge to release data from the first 2.5 months of the roll out of the Pfizer vaccine. Data from around the world on harms of the vaccine.

    Educator and nurse practitioner, John Campbell shares his reading of this here:

    There were 1,200 deaths associated with the vaccine in the first 90 days. This is staggering. In any other situation it would have resulted in a recall of the medicine. After 50 deaths in a trial they stop everything to find out if there is a link.

    The decision makers had this data in spring 2021. Why was it not acted upon? Why was it suppressed/hidden by them?

    NOTE: John clarifies in the following video that the long list of adverse events of special interest were ones to look out for, not ones that had all occurred. This is a good example of his willingness to learn and respond to feedback.

  • Doctors

    Collecting the stories told by doctors.

    Dr Peter McCullough

    He follows the science. He treats people. He references what he says very well.

    This is a long interview, that is very revealing. You may need to sign up to Epoch Times to see this interview. It is free to register.

    Dr Mary Bowden

    17 January 2022

    Dr Mary Bowden – ear, nose, throat specialist who became a covid specialist because her patients too afraid to go to the hospital. That hospital, Houston Methodist, suspended her privileges for spreading ‘dangerous misinformation about covid’. Houston Chronicle joining in the slagging her off. “Former Dr still has her license despite spreading covid misinformation”.

    She tells her story in this news conference.

    Now she is suing the hospital to find out their vested interest in the vaccines and remdesivir. She is not suing them for her own financial gain, just for answers to questions.

    Dr Patricia Lee

    13 October 2021

    Dr Patricia Lee writes to the FDA and CDC to report prevalence of vaccine injuries. No response as yet??

    And here is the actual letter she sent.

    Dr Charles Hoffe

    17 Feb 2022. A family doctor from British Columbia talks about his experience of the abandonment of medical ethics during covid.

    For example, withholding of treatment. It was known since 2006 that hydrochloriquine was effective against the first SARS virus, yet this was suppressed. There has been no advocacy about vitamin D, when a study from Malaysia showed that with adequate vitamin D levels mortality risk from covid drops to zero.

    He discusses informed consent and shares information on his concerns about his patients getting micro-clots after covid jabs.


  • More harm than good

    The following is an in-depth study of the Pfizer vaccines and how they came to be available. Put together by the Canadian COVID Care Alliance.

    They explain the usual procedures for bringing a vaccine to market and compare with that was done here.

    For example, the usual process of vaccine development is 10 years, rarely it can be done in 5, but in our case it was done in 1 year, with many steps omitted:

    There is a video and a pdf. The pdf includes links to all the references.

    Here is the pdf: The-COVID-19-Inoculations-More-Harm-Than-Good-REV-Dec-16-2021

  • Canadian Truckers

    The truckers convoy started on Vancouver Island January 2022.

    Their one ambition is to end the vaccine mandates peacefully.

    Despite the messaging you may have heard from the Canadian government and the usual news channels, this is a peaceful assembly.

    The videos on this page have filled me with hope. I am praying that the love of God will increase in Canada to fill this new community uprising.

    Wed 9 Feb 2022 – we are on the brink of violent police breakup of the Freedom Convoy.

    Spokesman demonstrates the intent and integrity of the protesters. Our issues are with the government of Canada, not the people of Ottawa. They have a legal right to be here and have worked tirelessly to work with city officials to relieve pressure on the city managers and residents.

    Shovelled snow, cleaned streets, collected garbage, fed the homeless, kept streets clear for traffic to pass through.

    They just want vaccine mandates and passports to be removed.

    The truckers convoy started on Vancouver Island January 2022.

    Their one ambition is to end the vaccine mandates peacefully.

    11 Feb 2022 – One person tells how she saw the convoy as it went through Calgary and it filled her with hope. She came to Ottawa on Sunday 6 Febraury to see it with her own eyes. Being in Ottawa and seeing the street scenes for herself has made her feel happy for the first time in 2 years.

    Saturday January 29th, Victoria, British Columbia.

    Take a look at this – it is beautiful. I can’t believe the Canadian Government are saying what they are about the protests being dangerous fringe elements.

    Brian Peckford speaks here – he is the last living signer of Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

    28 January 2022: In the video below on epoch times website, a reporter speaks to many different individuals as the truckers convoy gains momentum around Toronto and at the end there is a news round up of the extent of involvement and support.

    Protesters of COVID-19 restrictions, and supporters of Canadian truck drivers protesting the COVID-19 vaccine mandate cheer on a convoy of trucks on their way to Ottawa, on the Trans-Canada Highway west of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Tuesday January 25, 2022. THE CANADIAN PRESS/David Lipnowski

    One example of the problems experienced by Canadian truckers – on return to Canada from USA they have to quarantine for 14 days. That’s a lot of lost earnings.

    Towards the end [10:25] president Trudeau characterises the truckers as a ‘small fringe minority’, ‘holding unacceptable views’, who ‘do not represent the views of Canadians’. He says that Canadians ‘know that following the science and stepping up to protect each other is the best way to defend our freedoms, our rights our values as a country.’

    The GoFundMe campaign has reached over $6M – that’s a lot of support (to cover fuel and other costs). Not a small fringe minority. People are making meals and distributing to support them. 62 mile long convoy!

    8 Feb 2022 – the difference between what Prime Minister Trudeau is saying about the protests and the reality on the street.

    Quotes from Prime Minister Trudeau:

    Hate can never be the answer. Canadians are shocked and disgusted by the behaviour displayed by some people protesting in our nation’s capital. We are not intimidated by those who hurl insults and abuse at small business workers. [and] stealing food from the homeless. We won’t give in to those who fly racist flags. We won’t cave to those who engage in vandalism or dishonour the memory of our veterans. People are coming together angry on parliament hill.

    16 Feb 2022: It is worth taking time to listen to these people. Example of attitude and organisation of the protesters. Second speaker talks about unity and the fact that there is no emergency here. Third speaker explains the veterans helps her distribute food and invites them to explain their respect for the monument to the unknown soldier.

    7 Feb 2022 – Gofundme takes millions of dollars away from the truckers!!!!

    16 Feb 2022 – emergency powers declared by Trudeau. It’s now Martial Law in Canada!!

    17 Feb 2022 – Short summary of Emergencies Act powers enacted by Prime Minister Trudeau.

    Trudeau responds to a colleague in parliament who challenged this use of the Emergencies Act – “Conservative party members can stand with people who wave swastikas, they can stand with people who wave confederate flags, we will choose to stand with Canadians.

    Government is already seizing bank accounts and crypto currencies of people who are connected to freedom convoy. Media are harassing and exposing donors to the truckers. Washington Post contacted people who donated as little as $40. Reporter at Ottawa Citizen exposed a cafe owner who donated $200, who then received threats and has had to close her business.

    Great comment/perspective from Victor Davis Hanson at 3 minutes. The pragmatic view of truck drivers and ordinary people at large.

    18 Feb 2022 – example of the victimisation of family run businesss. The gelato shop owner breaks down crying after her family business received threats after media leaked that she made a $250 donation to truckers. This is another example of real people sharing their heart and their story in Canada.

    16 Feb 2022 – Further details about the Emergencies Act.

    Tucker Carlson comments on the demise of democracy in Canada. The government has invoked Emergencies Act. Has claimed far-reaching powers. Banned free assembly. Arrest of political opponents. Taking of money from bank accounts. Without any court order. Arresting tow truck drivers who refuse to tow away trucks from the protestors. Terrorist financing act – created to defeat Al Qaida – is now being used against ordinary Canadians.

    Brian Peckford talks about government intimidation.

    Friday 18 Feb 2022

    The police move in on the crowd. Hundreds of police. Wooden batons. Tear gas.

    There was no emergency to break up. No violence, no lawlessness.

    Some of the following pictures and videos are disturbing.

    Friday 18 Feb 2022 – horses steered into the crowds. 2 people trampled.

    This was not necessary.

    Watch out USA – President Biden has declared a continuance of the covid-19 pandemic ‘National Emergency’.

    Is this preparation for dealing Canadian-style with the Freedom Convoy heading towards Washington D.C.?

    The move echoes Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s invocation of the Emergencies Act to carry out a police crackdown on Freedom Convoy protesters.

  • A Second Opinon

    On January 24, 2022 Senator Ron Johnson invited a group of world renowned doctors and medical experts to the U.S. Senate to provide a different perspective on the global pandemic response, the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be addressed long term.

    This 38 minute video highlights the 5-hour discussion.

    And here is the full 5-hour discussion.

    NOTE: It begins at 40mins.