
Some of my sources for information about treatments and medical problems.

  1. Stories from Doctors. I find it reassuring to hear doctors explain how they have been successfully treating people. Follow this link for a few examples.
  2. Podcasts and Organisations. Listed on this page.

Dr John Campbell

  • YouTube 2M+ subscribers
  • History as a health educator for many years (not medical doctor, but a nurse). Been making videos since 1991.
  • very pro vaccine, but also pro evidence and truth.
  • a safe place to start getting information – he uses the Office for National Statistics and other government sources and is always at great pains to only use validated information. 
  • Example: John looks at Pfizer data from the first 2.5 months of roll out of the vaccine (Jan, Feb 2021). They tried to cover it up, but were ordered to make public by US judge.
    • NOTE: John clarifies in the following video that the long list of adverse events of special interest were ones to look out for, not ones that had all occurred. This is a good example of his willingness to learn and respond to feedback.
  • On the illusion of evidence-based medicine.

Independent Medical Alliance

  • Founded by a group of leading critical care specialists in March 2020, the Independent Medical Alliance (IMA), formerly FLCCC, has always been driven by a singular mission: to save lives and promote long-term wellness through science-based, patient-centered care.
  • Started at the beginning to share how to treat people critically ill with Covid-19.
  • Publish and update research-based treatment protocols for all stages of COVID19.


  • The British Ivermectin Recommendation Development Group
  • Nonprofit started by Dr Tess Lawrie, who does analysis of research papers and makes recommendations for WHO.
  • campaigning for the safe medicine ivermectin to be approved to prevent and cure covid-19 around the world
  • Transparency Statement: The team at Bird are transparent in our operations. Bird is a campaign managed through EbMCsquared, a not-for-profit Community Interest Company. It means 100% of profits after tax are reinvested into the business or to the advancement of our social purpose, for example to work on projects such as the Ivermectin campaign. We are here to promote and provide evidence for health and wellbeing, to inform decision-making on matters of public health and safety. We do this to advance health and wellbeing for the benefit of humankind.
  • Videos:

Dr Peter McCullough
