
Collecting the stories told by doctors.

Dr Peter McCullough

He follows the science. He treats people. He references what he says very well.

This is a long interview, that is very revealing. You may need to sign up to Epoch Times to see this interview. It is free to register.

Dr Mary Bowden

17 January 2022

Dr Mary Bowden – ear, nose, throat specialist who became a covid specialist because her patients too afraid to go to the hospital. That hospital, Houston Methodist, suspended her privileges for spreading ‘dangerous misinformation about covid’. Houston Chronicle joining in the slagging her off. “Former Dr still has her license despite spreading covid misinformation”.

She tells her story in this news conference.

Now she is suing the hospital to find out their vested interest in the vaccines and remdesivir. She is not suing them for her own financial gain, just for answers to questions.

Dr Patricia Lee

13 October 2021

Dr Patricia Lee writes to the FDA and CDC to report prevalence of vaccine injuries. No response as yet??

And here is the actual letter she sent.

Dr Charles Hoffe

17 Feb 2022. A family doctor from British Columbia talks about his experience of the abandonment of medical ethics during covid.

For example, withholding of treatment. It was known since 2006 that hydrochloriquine was effective against the first SARS virus, yet this was suppressed. There has been no advocacy about vitamin D, when a study from Malaysia showed that with adequate vitamin D levels mortality risk from covid drops to zero.

He discusses informed consent and shares information on his concerns about his patients getting micro-clots after covid jabs.
