
This website is the personal work of Richard Pitt, Southampton UK.

It is to help me organise my thoughts/findings and to help others who want to think about this with me.

It all began with the covid narrative. During 2021 I became aware of the Great Barrington Declaration – credible expert voices questioning the suitablility of lockdown policies. This led to a journey of discovery from blog post, to video to science journal article and so on.

As I looked closer I found a community of professionals with prior experience in pandemics discussing how best to deal with covid-19. The way this was dismissed in the media surprised me.

As I continued to follow some of the threads of this discussion I found it hard to understand the official policies for what to do in the face of the pandemic. This was a very uncomfortable process. I am the sort of person who wants to follow advice and be a good citizen. 

I was also discovering doctors discussing how to treat covid-19 with existing medicines that were cheap and had good safety records. Yet there was no media reporting or official endorsement of this good news, and in fact there was censorship and suppression.

Thus my understanding of what has happened and where we are now is at odds with the official narrative. 

On this website I have tried to summarise my journey and share the sources of information I have found helpful. But I also have a day-job and several other responsibilities and I am trying not to spend all my time here. So progress may be slow.

My approach, my foundation

My foundations for life are a belief in our creator God, and a desire to live in His love and worship Him above all else. I follow Jesus Christ. He died in my place to bring me close to God and He calls us all to follow Him. And he sends his Holy Spirit to lead us day by day.

This earth and everything in it is His. I aim to turn and return to God every day. I lay all things before Him and listen for His leading.

This foundation means that I am asking questions and sorting through the evidence that I find with the aim of listening to God in it all.

  • What is the truth?
  • What does he want me/us to do with this truth?
  • How should we live in response to all this?

I invite you to help me to discern the truth and then (more importantly) work out the purpose of God in this, and how the Holy Spirit is leading us to respond.

Thank you.